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About Us

Welcome to, your online guide to Negros Occidental travel and lifestyle! We are a website dedicated to provide a comprehensive and practical information on Bacolod City and Negros Occidental from a firsthand perspective in order to give you reliable information to guide your visit.

We created this website for you if you are planning to visit Negros Occidental, consider living in Negros Occidental, planning to invest in Negros Occidental or simply want to learn more about Bacolod City and Negros Occidental.

There are already a lot of website with information on Negros Occidental but they are mostly commercial websites and written for the search engine. We write for you, our dear readers, and we share from our own firsthand experiences.

We know Bacolod City and Negros Occidental because we have lived here. Some of our contributors have been born and raised here. To get the best from your visit, we will provide you with travel guides, feature different destinations, give tips in finding the best but cheap hotels in Bacolod, and give honest reviews of hotels, restaurants and coffee shops.

We encourage you to share your own experiences, so don’t hesitate to contact us.

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