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Got Wowed by Ballet Philippines

I guess most girls thought of ballet dancing once in their life. At least I have. The art requires a lot of practice and those who want to get into it should start early in life. Financial resources are likewise needed to sustain such training. Thus, my dream of ballet dancing never got farther than watching The Nutcracker.

Fortunately, young girls such as the daughter of fellow blogger Ruby of  PinayMommyOnline got a chance to watch a live ballet performance of Ballet Philippines’ Masterworks presentation at SM City Bacolod. Together with May, we got invited by Ms. Lorena of SM City Bacolod to watch the live performance last February 2 at SM City Bacolod Cinema 1.

Ballet Philippines was founded in 1969 by Alice Reyes with the support of Eddie Elejar and the Cultural Center of the Philippines.  Ballet Philippines is the country’s premier professional dance company and the resident dance company of the Cultural Center of the Philippines.

Ballet, whatever music accompaniment is still ballet to me. The effort exerted by the dancers in classical music or in OPM music looks the same. Years and years of practice must have made the routine easy for them and they made pirouetting looks effortless! The dancers received applause after each performance as the audience was quite amazed by their gracefulness.

There were a lot of girls at the audience and I’m sure some of them were thinking of one day joining Ballet Philippines. Thanks to SM City for bringing ballet to the masses.

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