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Lea Salonga, Pentatonix records “Christmas in Our Hearts”

This is not a drill!

Our very own Lea Salonga collaborated with a cappella group Pentatonix for their own version of Jose Mari Chan’s iconic song, Christmas in Our Hearts.

The song is part of Pentatonix’ latest released album, “Holidays Around the World.” As the album name suggests it features Christmas songs from around the world featuring various artists.

Tony Award winner Lea Salonga said in her Instagram account that she had a wonderful time recording the classic Filipino Christmas song with the Pentatonix. They couldn’t have chosen a better singer to collaborate with. Lea Salonga is not only known to Filipinos but she has also built a name, internationally, as a recording artist and theatre performer.

The Christmas Album is now available for streaming. Listening to it makes me want me want to skip Halloween altogether.

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