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Mudpack Festival 2011 in Pictures

The Mudpack Festival in Murcia, Negros Occidental is a unique festival where it does not involve street dancing found in most Philippine Festivals.  With this year’s slogan “Grow a tree, nurture hope,”  Mudpack Festival once again pays homage to mother nature. The festival aims to heighten environmental awareness not only among Negrenses but to those who visit the festival every year.

Mudpack Festival is held every year at the Mambukal Resort where the multi-colored clay used in the Clay Body Painting Competition can be found. These are actually volcanic clay from Mount Kanlaon and believed to have healing properties since they are rich in minerals.

Negrense artists often converge on this festival because of the various competitions they can join. There’s the body painting competition, poster making, drum beating, dance improvisation, photo competition, among others.

Below are some of the photos taken by Anton Manso.

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