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Negros Demolished Iloilo to Win the PFF Suzuki Under-23

It was a very controversial match to say the least but Negros won against Iloilo with 9-0. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to watch the Ceres-Negros (NOFA) vs Iloilo (IFA) football match at Panaad Stadium. I was monitoring the game online through Twitter and Skyscrapercity Bacolod thread.

Negros won the first leg of the PFF finals which was held at the Central Philippine Univeristy in Iloilo with a final tally of 3-1 with two extra times. I’m not an expert on football especially on FIFA’s rules but the extensions are said to be not in accordance to FIFA rules.

Iloilo filed a protest and was favored by the Philippine Football Federation. Negros and Iloilo will tie with 1-1 score when they face each other for the second leg. However, this decision was later reverted to the original decision so the 3-1 score in favor of Negros. Iloilo withdrew their protest but apparently they are intending to show their protest at the field.

When the tally reached 6-0 in favor of Negros,  Cedelf Tupas tweeted that Iloilo is no longer defending and even clapping when Negros scores. Tupas further tweeted,”They are making a farce out of this”.

Ahay… where is the spirit of sportsmanship? The fans were the ones robbed of a good game. Iloilo should not have agreed to the extra time during the first leg when they were aware that it’s not supposed to be.  The PFF officials should do better than this. Rules should iron out conflicts and not create more confusion.

Congrats to Ceres-Negros (NOFA) for a great game!

Here are the Suzuki Cup awardees:

Best keeper John Robert Mendoza (NOFA)
Best defender Carmelo Tacusalme (NOFA)
Best midfielder Francis Gustilo (Iloilo)
Best striker Joshua Beloya (NOFA)

MVP : Aldrin Dolino (NOFA)

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