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NFEFI Biodiversity Conservation Center: A Haven for Endangered Negros Wildlife

The Negros Forests and Ecological Foundation, Inc. (NFEFI) is just a stone’s throw away from the Provincial Capitol yet many Negrenses are still unaware of its existence nor the efforts they make in biodiversity conservation. NFEFI has been fighting to reforest hundreds of hectares of denuded forest areas since 1984. Intensive agriculture and logging has reduced the forest cover of Negros to only 4% by 1992 from almost 95% forest cover 150 years ago.

Deforestation does not only strip the forest of endemic tree species, it also destroys the valuable habitat of our endemic wildlife. The Philippines has one of the most diverse wildlife in the world.  We also have a high endemism which means most species found in our country cannot be found anywhere in the world. For every forest cover that is destroyed, numerous wildlife species also loses their home. Human encroachment on their territory has pushed some species to the brink of extinction.

One of the major projects of NFEFI is the establishment of a breeding program for endangered species which are housed at the Biodiversity Conservation Center.  Located at the South Capitol Road near the Provincial Capitol, it serves as breeding center for endangered species and as a means of educating visitors on the importance of taking care of the habitat of these animals.

The Biodiversity Conservation Center serves as haven for several of our endangered endemic species.

But they are not yet safe from extinction and they are already considered endangered because their numbers are dwindling in their natural habitat. Through the efforts of NFEFI, some of these endemic species were already bred in captivity. Just last year, the Visayan Warty Pig gave birth to four piglets. Once these animals are ready, they will be returned in the wild, where they belong.

There are still much to be done and NFEFI cannot do it alone. They need the help of the Negrenses in order to save and help protect these endemic species for the next generation. Help spread the word about this haven right at the heart of Bacolod.

If you are interested in helping the NFEFI in its different projects, be a member for a mere Php1,000 a year for individuals and P3,000 a year for corporations and organizations. For further information, please contact NFEFI at 034 433 9234 or email

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