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You Know You're A True Blue Ilonggo

You Know You’re a True Blue Ilonggo was originally posted at my other blog, PromdiLiving about four years ago. You may have received it in your inbox  since I myself received it, to my amusement. Some people have taken the liberty of adding or taking away some lines from my original work but neither acknowledged my blog as the source nor asked for my permission. Nonetheless, I was happy to share this little note to my fellow Ilonggos.

I thought of re-posting it here since I was reminded of a lot of things about us in our classes with Dr. Cecile Nava during the 2nd NITI Tour Guiding Course. Dr. Nava has made a lot of studies on our local history and she is an authority on the history of Negros. Iloilo and Negros are so similar yet so different. Each cannot be mentioned without the other for their history are intertwined with each other.

Some of the things I mentioned here were my observations while growing up in Oton, Iloilo’s oldest pueblo, where I was born and raised.  Some may not be familiar to the much younger generation or some are more familiar to those from Iloilo. I wrote this from my own point of view so please don’t chastise me if you think they don’t apply to you. You are free to add your own in the comments section.

You know you’re a true-blue Ilonggo if …

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